Week from 25.04. untill 01.05.2022

In this week I have made 78 QSOs, 77 digital (FT4, FT8) and 1 Phone. Worked all 6 Continents and also worked two new DXCC entites:

PrefixCountry (DXCC)Entity CodeITU ZoneCQ ZoneCallModeDateDistance (km)
HIDominican Republic0721108HI3AFT829.04.20227743

On Friday, 29.04.2022 I have done my only Phone QSO with OE9KBV/P. He was SOTA activating OE/VB-380 Hoher Frassen. The QSO was on 2 meter band, FM

Here are some more statistic of this weekend:

BandPhoneDigiTotal QSO
80 m11
60 m22
40 m99
20 m3232
17 m88
15 m1414
12 m55
10 m66
2 m11

Total of 31 DXCC entities worked in this week and the best DX was 16277 km with VK3ZH, QF22oe.

Eight (8) new DXCC Entites worked in three days

It was a very interesting weekend form Friday, 22.04.2022 to Sunday 24.04.2022.

After returning from Croatia (9A) and getting my QTH gear working again, I have made 61 QSOs on this weekend, eight from those were new DXCC Entities for me:

PrefixCountry (DXCC)Entity CodeITU ZoneCQ ZoneCallModeDateDistance(km)
HLRepublic of Korea1374425HL4GAHFT824.04.20228900
OH0Aland Island0051815OH0/SQ3PMXFT424.04.20221588

After this weekend I now have 104 Countries worked. There is still much to do, to get the rest done, HI…..

All QSOs are FT4 or FT8 mode.
Best DX on this weekend was on 24.04.2022, QSO with YB1HK with 11090 kilometer


From 11.04.2022 till 16.04.2022 I was active from Croatia as 9A/OE9IHR/QRP, gridsquare JN86ek.

I was using my YAESU FT-818ND, LDG Z817, YAESU SCU17 and my new vertical and end fed halfwave SOTA antenna on 10 meter HD-Fibreglass telescopic mast. All Activity was on 17, 20, 30 and 40 meter.

Here is the summary of my activity on those six days:

Total time active:08 hours, 29 minutes
Total QSO count:79
Phone QSO count:3
Digital QSO count (FT8, FT4):76
Countries worked:27
Gridfields / Gridsquares worked:19/66
Best DX:9114 km, JR3IIR, PM86TF
DXCC EntityDXCC SuffixTotal QSOPhoneDigital (FT4, FT8)
United Arab EmiratesA611
Bosnia and HerzegovinaE711
Russia EUUA1717
DXCC entities worked

Bands worked

End Feed Half Wave antenna for SOTA

As SOTA is becomming more and more an issue for me and I would like to act not only as hunter, but also as activator, I decided to build myself a multiband EFHW antenna. My choice fell to the EFHW antenna as built by HB9EAJ.

Here are some pitures of building the antenna.

The coupler and coil are still “open” and will remain open until testing is done.
Testing is still open. The test will be done as soon as i find some time for.

YAESU FT8100 2m TX problem

Some fellow HAM’s told me that my transmission sometimes “gets lost”.

Some time ago I have found two possible reasons for this problem.
First possible problem was well known “thermal faliure”. After opening my radio I have found the suggested modification allready made, so I had to look further.
After some search foud an article describing the problem with VIA’s (VIA – latin for path or way, electrical connection between copper layers on printed circuti board), so I made the modification on my radio.

I hope the problem is solved, waiting for the feedback from my fellow HAM’s.

Five new summits

Here is a result of this weekend: five new summits worked:

Saturday, 29.01.2022:

  • HB/AI-008 (Fänerenspitz/ Fähnerenspitz), 4 points – HB9BCK/P
  • LA/BU-026 (Ringkollen), 2 points – LB9HI/P

Sunday, 30.01.2022:

  • EI/IE-018 (Two Rock Mountain), 6 points – EI3ISB
  • EA2/BI-066 (Montaño), 1 point – EC2AG
  • EA4/MD-028 (Peña de la Cabra), 8 points – EA3FUA

All contachts where on 20 meter band in SSB.

Those five contacts are binging me 21 point and I now have toal of 60 chaser points.

Seven new summits

On this weekend I have made contacts to seven new summits:

Saturday, 22.01.2022:

  • CT/TM-014 (Bousende), 8 points – CT2GSN/P
  • CT/DL-012 (Vandoma), 1 point – CT2HOV/P
  • LA/OS-003 (Tryvannshøgda), 2 pints – LB9HI/P

Sunday, 23.01.2022:

  • SV/MC-077 (Ag. Christoforos), 4 points – SV2RUJ/P
  • LA/BU-127 (Knausen), 2 points – LB8CG/P
  • GM/CS-108 (Deuchary Hill), 2 points – MM0EFI/P
  • EA1/CT-102 (Brusco), 1 point – EA2ESE/P

All contachts where on 20 meter band in SSB.

With those seven contacts I now have 39 chaser points.

Thanks to all activators for new summits.

2m GP Antenna, the 2nd

So, I finished my second 2m GP Antenna.

This time I used a Aluminium rod of 6mm diameter.

Here is the result:

Only thing I have to do is to mount it properly. This will be done as soon as I have made my litle antenna mount that should be mounted od the side of the roof.

In the meantime, to test the antenna I, again, “mounted” it on the telescopic broomstick, just like the fist one, built using copper cable.

I think I will have to get (or build) an antenna analyser, as I realy am interessted on building my antennas by myself.

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